Sun, Feb 4,
Hi Rich,
I cannot adequately express our gratitude for your fantastic presentation yesterday for Quillan's birthday. Adults and
children were delightfully entertained and everyone raved about the experience long after you had left. You are a gifted presenter
and absolutely wonderful with those kids. Thank you for sharing your passion and your talent.
Have a great day!
Our Tortoises have made the limelight!
Here they are with Pink Martini and the Von Trapps.
Below Is "Bubba" The Eastern Diamondback Rattler. (Venom Removed) That starred
in the movie "WILD" with Reese Witherspoon.

Education in and of itself is limited
without the engine of joy, excitement, and love to propel it forward to it’s highest
potential. For a maximum and lasting impact, make education exciting, entertain with life! Reptile Man.

Thu,.June 11, 2020
Dear Mr. Richey,
Thank you very much for the fabulous presentation today! At one point, we had over 260 participants in the
Zoom meeting. I was scrolling through the different faces, and every student was so engaged and interested. I wish we had
that kind of attention when we have regular class instruction. During your presentation, I had teachers texting me saying
not only how much they enjoyed watching your presentation, but also watching how excited and interested the students were.
It was so nice to see some of the parents watching the presentation alongside their children as well. One of my teachers said
he watched it over his large TV with his sons, and they were so excited throughout the presentation asking lots and lots of
questions. Thank you so very much again for making the last day of school (of this very strange school year) so special.
Jan Brydle
Emma W. Shuey Elementary School
Rosemead, CA 91770